I'm learning all about those on this journey of mamahood. Not only do I no longer have the freedom to sit on my rear end all day on the computer (but was that really freedom?) or create whenever I want (I treasure my creative times even more now) or even sleep when I want (the only thing worse than insomnia, is insomnia with everyone else!).
Technology has its limitations too. Sadly when I was away on holidays recently I discovered I can't actually use my new fangled iPad to blog on (Hey Blogger, or someone else handy with the app writin', can you please develop an app for me to blog on the fly? Pretty please?)
I took the weekend before I left as a last opportunity to create madly for a few weeks, and I'm glad I did. It was such a rush to churn out a ton of pretties, and I'm all set to do an Etsy update in a day or so. Been finishing up an order for a lovely friend of mine first, and just trying to get back into the domestic swing of things after a couple of weeks away from home.
"Okay Mama!" *bends sideways*
This kid cracks me up.
And do you know the best discovery of the last month ( possibly of my life?)
There really are no limitations.
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