mummy-made jammies! He looks almost as proud of them as I was. No, I didn't make the shirt from scratch - I confess the temptation of a $3 shirt is a bit too much for me, when I think of the time it takes just for me to rethread my overlocker to topstitch! (note - AGES AND AGES.) Anyway, these were made in protest of the I-can't-find-winter-pyjamas-locally-that-aren't-licensed.... debacle. Thing. And hey! He begged to wear them tonight, so they must be ok. And yes, he requested the hearts.

A treehouse for Mr and Mrs Straight Man (because they are. Very straight.), Mummy and Daddy Mushroom, and all their various visitors. Pardon the crooked rung. Today Ewan decided thry all needed somewhere to sleep, so mama sat down and made a bunch of slightly crooked "pillows". Good thing the ones using them won't notice they were done in a rush!
(Trees, and Mr and Mrs S.M are from www.winterwoodtoys.com.au )

and what has me most excited, a new idea to play with the wonderful wooden beads from www.chunkytimbers.com.au . This is a guy who lives around the corner from me, and I just can't seem to stop wanting to come up with new things to do with the gorgeous beads he makes!! So this week I discovered I can carve them - oh joy, and a new realm of possibility! A little messy yet, but my hand will get steadier with time. I was going to give away the above bead... but I find myself wearing it this evening. Perhaps I'll make another.
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