(wee tree not included) So excited was I, that I immediately went and grabbed a t-shirt with a useful neckline, and taking scissors to fabric, and with my newly donated overlocker (SO EXCITED. OH MY GOODNESS. THANK YOU SHARON! SORRY ABOUT THE CAPITALS) I put this together in an afternoon!

Don't look too closely at it, you may be shocked at some of the corners I've cut. But I don't care! It's yet another relative success with no pattern to reference, and thanks to the overlocker it was a pleasure to sew! The little trees were added later with my very under-used silkscreen, and due to a happy accident, I left the edges uneven. I mean, they do match each other... uhm, well that is to say.... ah never mind. It seems to work. So now I'm psyched to make an ankle length version with long bell sleeves for winter. I'm thinking a warm colour, maybe rusty orange, or a rich red? What do you think? There are only certain shades a strawberry blonde can get away with.
And to finish, here's a photo of my wee poser, on the beach on wednesday. Yes, we're visiting the Gold Coast again to see all the family and friends. Loving it, but I wish I was having more SLEEP!

I love you so much, baby boy.
Just wanted to let you know I got your address! :-)
The dress looks great! Perhaps teal would work for the winter version...
Your little man looks adorable! Shame about the sleep situation. I would be sulking - and often do! It does get better.
For Info! Please don't actually post this - I didn't have an email address!
Hi there,
FINALLY the details of your swap people are below!
Owen Keating
115 Payson Avenue #5A,
NY, NY 10034
Fiona Hardy
4/32 Zetland Road,
Mont Albert VIC 3127
To completely mix it up, your swap person/s will be posting to someone else, it's not a straight swap, so please look out for your own mystery package very soon! To the best of my knowledge, I tried to match up strangers and if I haven't with you, I do apologise!
If you could please shoot me a very quick email to let me know when you both post your package/s AND receive your package. We all agreed to have our packages posted before Good Friday, 10 April 2009.
If for any reason you are unable to complete the swap, please let me know ASAP as I will send out extra packages to fill any gaps. I want to make sure everyone gets something very good in their letter box!
This whole swap is based on faith and if we can pull it all off with happy participants, we will do it again in a few months, so please don't forget to post!
Thanks again, this has been fun - although the best part is about to begin!
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